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Garth Greenan Gallery has dedicated its program to championing important yet under-appreciated  artists from decades past, providing an important service to collectors and art enthusiasts who understand that new discoveries are not the sole provenance of emerging youngsters. This month, they’re exhibiting a group of (largely) never-before-shown watercolors by the painter Gladys Nilsson. As a founding member of Chicago’s famed Hairy Who (a group of figurative painters often subsumed under the banner of the Chicago Imagists whose ranks also include Karl Wirsum and Suellen Rocca among others), Nilsson is hardly unknown, but these 12 “monumentally-scaled” paintings made between 1984 and ’87 represent a selection of her later work that often goes unremarked upon in favor of focusing on her output from the 1960s. Visitors should note her ongoing predilection for sinuous and anatomically-indistinct figures, as well as what the gallery calls her “lyrical speculation” on the place of women in American society.